Niranda, my female boa constrictor

Niranda is a female boa constrictor, born June 2, 2011. She came from a breeder and was probably 2-3 weeks old when I purchased her. So she is about 10 years old. She has never been bred but I do have a male boa constrictor. She currently weighs about 4.93 kg. Her personality has improved as she has matured, but she is still unpredictable at times, she will strike at me on occasion but usually is tractable or easily handled.

Boas can grow quite large and are very powerful, muscular snakes, average length about 3 meters. They give live birth, viviparous, producing up to 40 young at a time. Gestation period is 5-8 months, the newborn snakes are immediately independent and ready to survive in the wild. They are born with a thin, watery sac encasing them. They are native to South and Central America, and commonly inhabit rain forests. They usually eat birds and small mammals. They can live up to 35 years in captivity.

Scientific classification, Class Reptilia, Family Boidae, Species Boa constrictor. Boas have remnants of hind legs with pelvic spurs used in mating. They require a large enclosure as adults with a secure hiding place, with water available at all times.